Update and potential declutter series

Hello everyone! I apologize I was out all last week - my laptop charger broke when I was at about 70%, so I had to conserve the battery life of my laptop. (For some reason, Blogger doesn't seem to have an iPhone app).
Anyway, upcoming updates: my bank card got hacked at the end of August, which means all the beauty boxes that update at the start of the month didn't get charged. The new card came the other day, which is good; I've updated my information for ipsy, because I do appreciate having a few things to sample. I didn't update the information for Boxycharm, though. I've realized that if I'm going to get a full-size product (let alone five), I want to pick out what I get. Though I appreciate what I've gotten from Boxycharm, I don't want to keep it up. Because Ipsy is sample size most of the time, I can easily work through most of the items fairly quickly if I don't like it.

Also, I've filmed a few declutter videos (but I haven't edited it, obviously); even if I don't have as many items as some other beauty people, let me know if you want to see those.

Stay tuned this week for the finale for the Harry Potter Project Pan!


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