Well, I guess I was right in my intro: I only finished one book this month. I finished Madame Bovary in around a week at the start of the month, but that was it.
I somehow got it into my head that the next book I had planed to read through the challenge was Wuthering Heights, but, as already established, I CANNOT STAND that book. (or, rather, I read it five years ago in AP Literature in 12th grade, and I couldn't stand it then. It's a long story as to why.)
Anyway, I just looked back to my intro post, and I was supposed to read Lolita.
Well, didn't read that, either. To be fair, it's probably fairly weird to be reading a book about problematic pedophile relationships while in public, and I do read in public frequently, so I wasn't able to get through a lot of it. Also, after reading Madame Bovary in public with one or two weird looks, I'm not going to do that again.
What I did start reading (but not finished, because it's really long) was actually outside of the 46 books challenge: work was really slow and I didn't have a book with me, so I picked up John Adams by David McCullough from the gift shop. This is also the guy who wrote 1776, among other history books. I haven't finished it yet, but this is a book I've been taking around on slow work days.

As for next month, I'm going to try and read Wuthering Heights for real this time. It was actually around this time of year that I had to read it for school (I distinctly remember being mad that I had to miss the Oscars to read it, because I'd procrastinated and it was due in the morning.)
I'll see you at the end of the month!


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