If you spend as much time on beauty youtube videos as I do, you've probably heard of both a haul and an anti-haul. In case you don't know, a haul is where you show off all the beauty products you've bought, and an anti-haul is where you talk about what you're not going to buy.
I initially heard of this from Kimberly Clark, but Amber's Beauty Chair might have done it first. They're all over YouTube now, so if you plug it into the YouTube search you'll probably find plenty of anti-haul videos to give you a better idea.
First, the disclaimer that typically accompanies this kind of thing: I like particular things, and you may or may not agree. If I bash something you love, don't come after me. Maybe just comment and explain why I SHOULD buy them! I don't own any of these things, and this post is explaining why.
Let's get into the anti-haul!

This is a 30-pan eyeshadow palette. And it's ALL NEUTRAL. There are 7 mattes, 13 shimmers, and 10 sparkle shades. I'm not super into shimmery or sparkly shades (a low-to-medium amount is worth it, but not 23/30), so that's too much sparkle and not enough matte for me. There are a lot of pastels and just two columns of somewhat deep shades, and I couldn't use many of those deeper shades because they're so shimmery.
For my personal tastes, I usually only put a shimmery shade on the lid if it's a contrast pop of color, but this doesn't have enough color contrast for that. If I were to buy a neutral palette from Too Faced, I'd go for the Natural Matte palette ($36). All-matte, can bring in crazy colors easily if I want, and good quality for the money.

I know it sounds like I'm bashing on Too Faced right now, but I saw two swatch reviews of this palette the other day and they were terrible. Both reviewers gave it a negative review for its lack of color payoff. In the original Peanut Butter and Jelly palette, there was only one disappointing shade (the bright purple). With this, it seems like most of the shades have bad color payoff. This color scheme might work well with my eyes, and it's the kind of color scheme I'm interested in, but I have other shades with better payoff that do the same thing.

This is a primer? Or a foundation? Or something? I don't know. It's expensive and it claims to blur imperfections on all skin tones. The thing is, I don't mind the three dark freckles on my face, and any hormonal acne is not going to be helped by putting more stuff on my face. This isn't going to work for me. Also, for $36, I need it to spot-treat my hormonal acne and have a built-in highlighter, too.

This is general here, I admit, but I don't need a lipstick palette. I barely work through regular lipstick, and palettes make me not want to try new shades - usually, if I'm interested in a lipstick palette, I'm interested in just one or two of the shades. I barely go through an entire tube of lipstick, so I certainly don't use lipstick enough to justify a palette. If I'm going somewhere and I want a few different lipstick shades, then I'd just bring those specific ones, not an entire palette.

This is kind of a ramble about highlighter palettes in general, for a similar reason to the lipstick palettes: I don't try new highlighters enough to justify this. I understand the convenience of having them all in the same place, and it's definitely more affordable than some highlighter palettes out there *cough*hourglass*cough*, so if you're interested in all the colors then you could pick it up.
For this specific one, I'm only really interested in Glo Getter (that gold shade in the bottom middle) and Kitty Kat (top left), and I might be willing to spent $40 for those two alone, but I don't want to spend $40 for those two plus four other shades that I can't get out of the packaging and out to someone who's interested in them. I don't want to waste that much product, so this is a pass for me.


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