Updated Goals and Things

Well, instead of doing a month-by-month update and making goals and not meeting them, I'm going to try something different. Because schools in my area just let out, I'm trying a summer reading list: five books I want to finish between now and when school gets back in.

1. Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
I read the first 20 pages back in November and couldn't get into it - I just didn't have. This book has a big reputation - it has been recommended by 5/5 Internet Lists, after all - but it's about pedophilia and problematic relationships. It's well-written, but I'm a little worried about the hype around this.

2. Midnight's Children - Salman Rushdie
I'm ashamed to say that this is the first Salman Rushdie book that I will have knowingly read. I may have read other things before this and not realized it, but this is the first one I'm aware of. It sounds like a really interesting concept - a few people are imbued with special powers because they were born at the moment India became independent. It starts in August, so I'll be reading it then.

3. Liberty's Exiles - Maya Jasanoff
One day. One day, I will finish this. Hopefully that day will be this summer. But one day.

4. Fields of Honor - Edwin C. Bearss
I got this at work: it was a slow day and I had forgotten to bring the book I was reading, so I bought this. This book is written by a Civil War scholar and covers the critical battles of the American Civil War, which is interesting in itself. If the first chapter is any indication, it's a pretty good read.

5. The Night Circus - Erin Morgenstern
One day. One day I will finish this. One day.

Those are the books on my summer reading list! Hopefully I'll get to everything. What are you planning to read this summer?


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